Christian Formation
Adult Offerings
The EpiscoPals is a monthly luncheon gathering for Adults 50+. It is a fun, relaxed time of fellowship and to eat good food! We meet for lunch on the 3rd Thursday of each month in a different location. Please sign up with Name & Phone Number so we can get a good head count and you can be notified incase of any changes.
For more information contact Mike Osteen at 803-315-3549.
Children and Youth Offerings
Youth Christian Formation
Youth Sunday School meets on Sunday’s at 9:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall. The Youth Group will also meet Sunday evenings at 5:00 p.m.
The nursery is available every Sunday during our 10:00am Worship Service for our smallest worshipers!
Music Ministry
Simple Gifts
Do you sing or play an instrument and would love to share your gift with the church? Simple Gifts, our church band, is always looking for new talent to join them on Sunday Mornings. You do not have to attend every Sunday to lend to your talents to this group. For more information, contact Tom Thirkell at for more information.