Lay Minister Volunteers


Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is a lay ministry to serve God in His house by preparing the Sanctuary for worship, maintaining and caring for the sacred vessels, altar linens, and vestments, and serving the clergy and the parish.



Lectors are responsible for reading the lessons of the day and leading the congregation in the reading of the Psalm. Intercessors lead the congregation in the reading of the Prayers of People.


Daughters of the King

The Daughters of the King are a group of women who commit themselves to life-long program of prayer, service and evangelism. At Saint Bartholomew’s they work with the Rector to support parishioners in need. Contact Robin Petry at 706-836-3027 for more information.

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers assist our Rector in the Sunday morning worship services by administering communion sacraments (wine and bread) to the congregation.



Ushers and greeters welcome members and newcomers to the church prior to the start of the service. During the service, they distribute the weekly bulletin, take a church count, collect the offertory, and currently serve as oblationers.


Flower Donations

Parishioners donate flowers in memory or thanksgiving of loved ones. They are displayed weekly on the altar and donated after the service to parishioners that are homebound. Arrangements cost $45 and may be paid by cash or check, earmarked “altar flowers” in the Sunday collection, or by text-to-give at Text SAINTBART Flowers $45 to 73256.



Acolytes are served by our youth and children. Their duties during the worship service may include lighting the candles, carrying the cross, serving as thurifer, dispensing of the offertory plates, and assisting in communion.


AV Team

The AV Team produces the audio and video for our services. Parishioners record and broadcast via live stream the 8:30am service. At the 11:30am service, volunteers assist in displaying the service via an overhead projector and help with the audio board for the band.


Crafters for Christ

Throughout the year, a group of parishioners use their time and talents to create a wide variety of goods to sell prior to the holiday season. The funds earned from this group goes to support local missions.

Volunteers in Action