Pumpkin Patch 2022
The 2022 Saint Bartholomew’s Pumpkin Patch is in Full Swing
After months of planning, the Pumpkin Patch is open! The entire congregation has come together to prep the patch, set up pallets, unload the pumpkins, prepare the luncheon, prep the sales tables, and set up for story time! A special shout out to Darrell Griffis Trucking Inc. for bringing the pumpkins to us and to Jim Scott for assisting us in setting up the pallets and unloading the pumpkins. With the help of student volunteers from North Augusta High School Beta Club and from Columbia National Honor Society, we were able to unload in record time. We are not done yet though! We are still in need of volunteers to help work the sales table. Please prayerfully consider volunteering today! Contact Janice in the church office for information regarding available slots!
Our Student Volunteers!
Jim Scott and the Last Pallet to be Unloaded!
Darrell Griffis Trucking and Unloading!
Our First Customers!